Sunday, April 28, 2013
Artist Friend Sharon Stevens, Mustard Seed Originals

Thursday, April 25, 2013
My Friend, Monica Spicer, Again
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Artist Bear Friend, Monica Spicer

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Another Doll for Sale by Robin Seeber
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Artist Friend, Robin Seeber, Ouside the Box Primitives
Today’s feature artist is my friend, Robin Seeber. Robin is an artist of many talents. As her website title is Out of the Box, her creations run from primitive to steampunk to adorable to over the top new and Avant
Guard. Bethany Lowe recognized her talents and now Robin is a signed artist for Bethany. I am the proud owner of several of Robins’ reproductions and quite a few of her originals, as well. Robin is also a professional photographer and is selling her reprints as beautiful note cards. To add to all of Robin’s talent, she is a Registered Nurse and my go-to person with all my ailments. Folks will have a rare opportunity to buy 4 of Robin’s original creations today on her web site at 9:00 Eastern Daylight Time. Please be there: www.outsidetheboxprimitives.com
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Creative Friend Maureen Mills
Today’s Feature Artist Friend is Maureen Mills. This gal is not only talented but prolific when it comes to designing patterns. It seems to me that she has a new pattern to share every day. Maureen’s creations run from critters of all kinds to the most adorable cloth dolls in many sizes. Her newest pattern is called A Balanced Diet is a Cookie in Each Hand. Even the title gives me a giggle. To purchase the pattern and to see Maureen’s other patterns, visit: www.sweetmeadowsfarm.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Creative Friend Pam Gracia
Today I would like to begin sharing information on my many creative friends. I am so proud to be associated with a great group of artists. First I would like to feature my friend, Pam Gracia, who is Soft in the Head. No really, that is the name of her soft sculpture creations. Don’t you love the name? You will love her fabulous designs even more. I am the proud owner of several of Pam’s creations. Pam sells her patterns and creations on her website: www.softinthehead.com

Sunday, April 14, 2013
Another Day, Another Idea
As a morning person, my creative time is in the early hours of the day. This morning when I awoke, I had my primitive rag doll on my mind. The doll pattern is one that I created years ago with my friend, Mary Myers, a well know primitive artist. Folks are intimidated when they have to paint on a face so I thought, why not print the actual doll on cloth and invite folks to do the face with magic markers? I tried it and it worked. From here:
to Here:
So the full pattern is now available with the printed face both on cloth and paper for practice. The printed pattern with printed bodies is $12.(Free shipping in US. More elsewhere.) email me at cbhindmarsh@cox.net

Saturday, April 13, 2013
New On-Line Teddy Bear Making Class
I love to make Teddy Bears and Hares. More than that, I love to teach people to make the cuties. I teach several live classes a year but I have discovered the fun of taking and teaching on-line classes. I have joined a E-craft web site which is called simply enough, www.ecraftclasses.com There you can take so many interesting craft classes. I am offering a very comprehensive Teddy Bear making class. It contains the full pattern for bear and jacket, 100 color pictures and pages of instruction and more. The class is expensive at $25 but it contains the patterns and the PDF which you can save to your computer and make lots of bears. Go to the site and find my name, Connie Hindmarsh, for more information. If you would like to purchase a full Schulte mohair kit too, let me know and I will sell you one at a discount.

Friday, April 12, 2013
I Guess No One is Reading my blog
I have long suspected that no one reads my blog. Now I am sure of it. Yesterday, I offered a free Teddy Bear pattern to anyone who emailed me for one. Not a single reply. Oh well, the offer stands. My excited news for the day is that my young granddaughter taught me to use the camera on my smart phone. I've had the phone since the first day it came out way over a year ago. It's nice to learn how to use it. Here's the picture that I took of the new family English Bull Dog Puppy
, Meatball.

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Free Teddy Bear Pattern
I hope that you have enjoyed my Teddy Bear Sculpturing post. I will be happy to email you the entire pattern as a gift from me. cbhindmarsh@cox.net
Want to Sculpture a Teddy Bear Head?
Sculpturing a bear’s head give’s it dimension and so much personality. This tutorial comes from my 100 page Making a Teddy Bear Tutorial which is available on my Etsy site. We begin after the nose is embroidered and the ears are attached to the head. For now, ignore the thread coming out of the neck.
Use 2 matching pins to mark placement of your eyes. Experiment with location by moving the pins until you are happy with the placement.For this bear, I have placed the pins on the seam of the gusset. Be sure that the pins are equidistant from the nose.
Thread the really long doll needle with heavy upholstery thread doubled and knotted at the end.Insert the needle through the neck opening, going through the Polyfil. Come out behind one of the ears.
Insert your needle close to where you are & come out at the eye opposite of the ear. Remove the pin, pull the needle through.
-Insert needle where you are; come out at the other eye. Remove the pin.
-Insert the needle where you are now, taking a small stitch next to the thread. Go right through the head and come out at the other eye. Pull the thread all the way through but not tightly.
-You are going to repeat the previous step. Insert the needle, taking a small stitch and go right through the head again. Go back and forth about 3-4 times.
-When you go back and forth through the head, you are anchoring the thread to make sure that the thread will stay put when you give it a strong pull in the next step.
Pull the thread tightly. You now have a bridge in the nose & 2 sunken eyes.
Insert your needle next to the closest eye indention and come out behind the opposite ear. Put those matching pins back in the indentions to mark where you will insert the eyes
The next step will be painful to you but I promise will not hurt the Teddy. He can’t see yet.Using an awl, make a tiny hole on each eye indentation.
Insert the needle from behind the ear and come out at the eye hole at the opposite side of the head. (We will be criss crossing from behind each ear to the opposite eyes.) Be sure that you come out at the hole and not even a thread closer.
-Put the eye loop on the needle and pull the eye through on the thread.
-Check your eye hole to make sure that it is big enough for the loop to fit through but not so big that the entire eye will pull through.
The eye is dangling on the thread.
-Insert the needle back into the same hole and return the needle and thread back to behind the ear.
-Pull the eye so that the loop of the eye is in the hole. Pull tightly to be sure that the eye is firmly in the hole. -- - -Take a stitch behind the ear to anchor the thread and keep the eye from slipping out.
-Now repeat the same process for inserting the second eye. Knot off and cut the upholstery thread when, you are done.
eyebrows 1
-Hey Connie, what about the embroidery thread hanging out of my neck?” That’s a good question. How about adding some eyebrows?
-Place 2 pins over each eye to mark placement of brows.
-You choose the brow size. Be sure that they are both the same length.
-Put a needle on the embroidery thread is still coming out of the neck.
-Insert your needle up through the head and make one stitch for the first brow. Go back into the head to the second eye. -Take a stitch for the second brow. Remove the pins. Come down to the neck. Knot and cut your thread
Done! How about a bow?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Today at 1:00
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Catching Up
The Primitive Folk Art Tinkers and Treasures Marketplace or PFATT updates tomorrow at noon eastern daylight time. The marketplace features original works by very talented artists. I am so proud to be a part of this group. Here is a hint to what I will be selling tomorrow at www.pfattmarketplace.com Be sure and check out all the artist’s work.

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